Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
In order to ensure the safety of our students at Monte Vista Elementary, as well as the smooth flow of traffic in our parking lots, we would like to remind you of the
following procedures:
- Please limit your speeds. It is important to remember that children sometimes act unpredictably, and lower speed allows for appropriate reaction time.
- Please pull forward to the drop off zone before letting your students out of the car.
- Parents or Guardians will drop off and pick up students in the south parking lot closest to the church, the middle row of the parking lot is reserved for faculty and staff parking, Parking is available for parents who need to park and come into the building. After parking please use the crosswalk and enter through the front doors.
- Please refrain from dropping off and/or picking up students in front of the school. This is for bus loading/unloading ONLY. In the morning, students are asked to walk to their grade level area to line up.