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Monte Vista Elementary 2024-25 Code of Conduct

Mission Statement

Ensuring academic and social success by connecting with every child, every day.

Welcome to Monte Vista Elementary School where all staff members are committed to high levels of instruction and helping all students become respectful and responsible leaders, for today as well as for the future. The information in this handbook has been prepared to answer all stakeholder questions regarding Monte Vista Elementary. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at 801-254-8040.

As Faculty and Staff members of Monte Vista Elementary, we believe that focusing on and recognizing the positive things students are doing in school helps to build a community where students feel safe and are excited to come to school. We believe that by connecting classroom practices and expectations with school wide expectations, students feel more confident and safe in their school environment.  In an effort to streamline this organizational process, the staff at Monte Vista Elementary will support the following:

Mustang 5 Rules

  1. Follow adult directions the first time.
  2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and words to yourself.
  3. Respect adults, peers, and property.
  4. Be prepared.
  5. Be where you are supposed to be.

What happens when students choose not to follow The Mustang 5 Rules?

Students will …

  • Work with teachers to resolve the situation or problem
  • Communicate concerns with parents or guardians.
  • Work with administrator to resolve the situation or problem
  • Communicate concerns with parents or guardians.
  • Most situations can be resolved by working together with students, teachers, parents, and administrators. In the event of significant behavior problems (such as: fighting, persistent inappropriate language or disrespect of students or staff, bullying, etc.) students may be suspended in or out of school. Please see student conduct policy for additional areas of concern.

How will problems be reported?

Students will …

  • Students are advised to notify staff member(s), teacher(s) or administrator(s) with concerns. We strive to ensure that all students are safe while at school.
  • Parents are encouraged to communicate concerns with teachers and/or administrators.
  • Students receive instruction on PRIDE Rules at the beginning of each school year and regularly throughout the year.

Faculty and staff will …

  • receive training on the PRIDE Rules at the beginning of each school year.
  • Parents have access to PRIDE Rules (see the link below) and at the beginning of each school year through the registration process

Common Policies in a Nutshell

Attendance Policy  Utah Code 53-A-11-101
The philosophy of Monte Vista Elementary staff is that the daily learning experiences that take place within the classroom are invaluable components of the learning experience, and that a natural consequence of student absences, can and does, adversely affect student academic performance. The benefits of face-to-face instruction, once lost, cannot be entirely regained. Utah’s Compulsory Education Law states that all school age children must be in attendance at school unless there is a valid and legitimate excuse. The goal of the attendance policy is to increase student success by encouraging daily attendance and make up work missed due to excused absence, and to help students develop personal responsibility in preparation for attendance expectations in the future.

Student responsibilities include:

  • Be in school regularly and on time
  • Collect work missed during absence

Parent responsibilities include:

  • Ensure that their child/children attend school regularly on time
  • Notify the front office in case of legitimate absence the day of the absence
  • Follow Check in/out procedures through the front office
  • See Homework Request section

Teacher responsibilities include:

  • Send late students or students who are checking out to the front office
  • Be the first line in notifying parents of issues concerning tardiness or truancy
  • Develop procedures and guidelines that promote good attendance
  • Provide rewards and incentives for good attendance

 Administrative responsibilities include:

  • Be present in halls before and after school and during the school day
  • Be involved in tracking student attendance
  • Notify parents of attendance/tardy problems
  • Intervene according to Jordan School District “earnest and persistent” truancy procedures when necessary
  • Intervene according to Utah Code 53-A-11-101 when necessary
  • Develop procedures and guidelines that promote good attendance
  • Provide rewards and incentives for good attendance

Student Achievement and General Information


Reasons for which an absence may be excused:

    • Illness (if absences become excessive, you may need to verify an illness by providing a doctor’s note), medical appointments, family wedding and emergencies, death of a family member or close friend, family activity or travel consistent with district/school policy (Educational Leave – defined below), court appearance, or parent-excused absences that are called into the front office the day of the absence
    • Further information regarding absences and tardies can be found at the following on our district website under Truancy and Compulsory Education


    • Students arriving at school after 9:00 a.m. must check in at the front office and receive a tardy slip before going to class. Late arrivals due to illness, medical or dental appointments are noted in Skyward.


    • Students will be checked out only to adults listed on their Skyward account. If a student must leave school during the day, they are required to use a school phone, preferably in the office, not a personal cell phone, to contact their parent. Office staff is happy to call students down to the office to check out once parents/guardians arrive in the front office. Parents must show valid identification to office staff when checking out students.

 Before/After School

    • The building will be open for students at 8:25 a.m. and closed at 3:55 p.m., unless involved in a teacher-directed activity or the adverse weather.
    • Any child entering the classroom after 9:00 will be marked tardy.
    • Monte Vista Elementary School is a “closed campus”.  Students are to remain on campus throughout the school day unless they have been properly checked out of school according to procedures outlined above.  Under no circumstances may a student leave school without permission from the office.
# of Absences Action to be taken
5< After five unexcused absences office personal contact and expresses concern about the student’s attendance. Improved attendance is encouraged.
10< After 10 unexcused absences, the principal sends attendance letter #1.
15< After 15 unexcused absences, attendance letter #2 will be sent and an attendance meeting is scheduled with the administration, teacher, parent/guardian and student to create a plan that will ensure student attendance.

Bicycles and Skateboards

Some students use a bicycle or a skateboard as a means of transportation to and from school.  Students must walk their bikes and carry skateboards when on school property.  The student is responsible for securing their bicycle at the bike rack. MVE staff will not store motorized bikes, scooters, etc. inside the building. Lost or stolen bicycles and/or skateboards are not the responsibility of the school personnel. 

Cell Phones

Dangerous Items/Weapons: To maintain school safety, students are prohibited from bringing dangerous items, weapons or facsimiles of weapons to school. Students who use, possess, sell, or attempt to possess any firearm (gun), weapon, knife, explosive device, noxious or flammable material, including lighters, fireworks, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon, or other harmful instruments or any replica or facsimile of any of the above, whether functional or nonfunctional, whether designed for use as a weapon or for some other use may be suspended to a district level hearing and face police involvement. Students who suspect another student has brought or plans to bring a dangerous item or weapon to school have the responsibility to tell an adult immediately. Any student who accidentally brings a dangerous item to school (for instance, a knife is in your backpack from a camping trip), should bring it to an administrator immediately and not show it to others. (See (USC §53G-8-205 (1) (3))

Discrimination Issues

It is the policy of Jordan School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap in any educational program.  All students and employees of Jordan School District are expected to adhere to this policy.  In addition, demeaning references (written or verbal) to a person’s ethnicity, race, or gender will constitute harassment and will be subject to immediate disciplinary action by the school administration.  Initiating any unwelcome behavior such as taunting or teasing will not be tolerated.  Students and parents are encouraged to report these incidents to a teacher, counselor, or an administrator.

Discipline Referrals

When a student misbehaves to the extent of warranting Administrative intervention, staff members will work together with administrators to help students solve misbehaviors .  The Administration will use a hierarchy of interventions to support the student in acquiring the skills necessary to change the behavior. A parent phone call will be made if deemed necessary by the Administration.

Dress Code – School Dress, Grooming and Appearance  JSD Policy AA419

  1. School Dress and Appearance
    Appropriate dress and appearance avoids extremes, exemplifies personal cleanliness, promotes an effective learning environment free of unnecessary disruption(s) and increases school safety, security and sanitation factors. There are a variety of clothing styles which may be popular but are inappropriate for the school or school sponsored activity setting.
    Dress and appearance standards include (but are not limited to) the following:
    1. General Standards
      1. Any clothing, jewelry, accessory, footwear, personal item or appearance practice may be prohibited when it:
        1. Draws undue attention, distracts, disrupts, and/or interferes with the learning environment at school or school sponsored activity.
        2. Endangers or affects the health, safety and/or welfare of the individual or others.
        3. May cause damage or harm to individuals, school devices, resources, equipment or facilities.
        4. Limits the ability to identify the student.
        5. Appears as an attempt to challenge the intent and scope of policy or the authority of the school.
      2. Dress and appearance, including clothing, jewelry, accessory, footwear, personal item or appearance practice, shall be in a manner suitable to the day’s activities consistent with the standards of health, safety, and appropriate behavior. School personnel may require students to wear certain types of clothing for health, safety, security, or sanitation factors or in connection with classes, activities or circumstances.
      3. Clothing, appearance, jewelry, accessory, footwear, and/or personal items shall be free of writing, images, symbols or any other insignias that:
        1. Are lewd, obscene, vulgar, or profane.
        2. Advocate, represent or promote racism, discrimination, violence or hate in any form.
        3. Signify gang affiliation.
        4. Advocate, represent or promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, or any illegal substance(s).
        5. Advocate, represent or promote criminal or illegal activities.
        6. Infringe on the rights of others.
        7. Are pornographic or sexually suggestive.
    2. Specific dress and appearance standards are found at Student Support Services online at
    3. School administration may authorize exceptions for health/medical issues, religious beliefs, or safety reasons.
    4. School dress and appearance enforcement should be reasonable and seek to minimize the loss of instructional time.

Harassment/Bullying Policy  JSD Policy AS94 – Student Discrimination and Harassment and JSD Policy AS67 – Discipline of Students

The purpose of this policy is to assure a learning environment that is free from harassment of any kind and is in compliance with state and federal law. Bullying is aggressive behavior that is intentional and that involves an imbalance of power or strength. A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more students. Types of bullying include:

  • physical bullying:  hitting and/or punching
  • verbal bullying:  teasing or name calling
  • non-verbal or emotional bullying:  intimidation through gestures, social exclusion and relational aggression
  • cyber-bullying:  sending insulting, threatening or harassing messages by phone or computer, or electronic messaging

Involvement in any activity which violates federal, state or local law or regulation, disrupting normal school proceedings, or causing, or attempting, threatening or conspiring to cause other students to violate federal, state or local law or regulation or to disrupt school proceedings, or attempting, threatening or conspiring to do any of these.  These activities include, but are not limited to:  extortion, forgery, lewdness, and distributing obscene materials, including the sharing of pornography and “sexting.”

Lunch Program

Monte Vista Elementary is proud to boast about our school lunch program.  A computerized lunch system is in place to manage the accounting of the program.  Parents pay for their lunch by adding money to their student’s lunch accounts through Skyward, or have their children bring money to school to be deposited into their Skyward account.


Prescription and over-the-counter medicines in the original container with specific directions are to be kept in the front office along with a form that has been filled out and signed by the parent/guardian and physician.  These forms must be resubmitted each year.  The required medication forms are available in the front office or online at  The student is responsible for remembering to take his/her medicine.  Please speak with your child’s teacher so he/she can support your child in remembering to go to the front office at the appropriate times of medicine dispensing.

Parking Lot Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures

In order to ensure the safety of our students at Monte Vista Elementary, as well as helping to provide a smooth flow of traffic in our parking lots, we would like to remind you of the following procedures:

  • Please limit your speed when picking up and dropping off. It is important to remember that children sometimes act unpredictably, and lower speed allows for appropriate reaction time.
  • Please refrain from using your phone during drop-off and pick-up. Text messaging while driving is banned in the state of Utah.
  • Please pull all the way forward when dropping off and picking up your child(ren) so as not to back up incoming traffic. We ask that students walk the short distance required in order for you to pull completely forward. This will also contribute to the smooth flow of traffic, so that vehicles are not entering the drop-off/pick-up zone from the thru lane.
  • Students who are picked up in the church parking lot need to cross at the crosswalk ONLY. Please refrain from crossing, or having your child/ren cross the street to get to the church parking lot. This puts adults and children at unnecessary risk.
  • Please do not leave your car unattended in the drop-off/pick-up zone. If you need to come into the school for any reason, please park in the parking lot and use the crosswalk to enter the building.
  • Students should exit and enter vehicles on the right (curb) side of the vehicle. It is not safe for them to exit/enter on the left, as they will be in the thru lane. Never let your child/ren exit/enter the vehicle in the thru lane. This is very dangerous and impedes the flow of traffic.
  • Please refrain from dropping off and/or picking up students in front of the school. This is for bus loading/unloading ONLY. In the morning, students are asked to enter the school through their grade level doors.
  • The staff/visitor parking lot on the south end of the school may be used for drop-off and/or pick-up. Should you choose to use this lot, please be aware that you must park your vehicle and come to the sidewalk to pick up your child(ren). Students will not be permitted to cross if there is no adult waiting for them at the sidewalk. Please understand this cautionary measure is for the safety of your children.

Personal Items at School

Jordan School District is not responsible for any personal property that is lost, stolen, or vandalized.  There are not provisions that allow payment for any personal item, which is taken from a student enrolled in Jordan School District.

Playground Safety

  • Follow directions of the adults on duty
  • Play only in designated areas
  • Do not climb trees
  • Swings – sit on swings ONLY. Be considerate of others and take turns sharing the swings. No jumping out of swings, twisting or swinging sideways.
  • Slides – slide down on pockets – and do not climb up the slide.
  • Play with equipment provided by the school.
  • Respect and courtesy is key to ensuring everyone has a great experience during recess – Be safe and be smart!
  • Do not arrive prior to 8:35 am to play on the playground. Our staff is not available to supervise.

Profane or Vulgar Gestures, Language, Pictures or Videos: Any gestures, language, pictures, videos, etc. that are lewd, vulgar, gross, obscene, defamatory, or otherwise disruptive to the educational environment are inappropriate for any school environment and are prohibited. A teacher or administrator will take appropriate disciplinary action – including possible suspension from school.

Safe Schools Policy Summary  JSD Policy AS67

Jordan School District students and employees are entitled to a learning/working environment that is free from unlawful and violent acts.  Therefore, the Jordan District Board of Education shall not tolerate acts of violence, use or possession of weapons, criminal behavior, or harmful gang activity in schools, on school property, or at or around school activities.  Students whose actions pose a threat to the health and/or safety of a student or staff member shall be suspended from school until a District hearing is held.

School Community Council

Monte Vista Elementary has an active School Community Council, which provides the school with valuable community input.  This group consists of parents, teachers, and administrators who meet at least quarterly during the school year.  The members of the community elect the council members.

Student Illness

A student who becomes ill during the school day will report to the front office.  The student or an office staff member will call the numbers listed on Skyward which was completed online by the parent/guardian at the beginning of the school year.  If this information is inaccurate after the beginning of the school year, please update the student account online on SkywardUnder no circumstances may a student leave school without permission from the front office.Sick Student Policy

 Student/Parent/Teacher Communication

Good communication between home and school will facilitate each student’s success. If parents have questions, they may e-mail the teacher directly, or they may call the school and make an appointment with the teacher, counselor, and/or principal.  Teachers may also request conferences with a student and/or parents to provide individual help.  Parent Teacher Conferences occur in fall and spring. It is highly recommended that a parent contact their child’s teacher to review an issue or concern, prior to calling the school administration. 


The office telephone is a business phone and should be used by students for emergencies only.  Parents should not call students at school except in an emergency situation.  After school arrangements should be made by families prior to the school day beginning to alleviate an inordinate amount of calls being answered and made by students at the end of the school day.

Students should not be using any cell phone during school. Student cell phones should remain in student's backpack during the duration of the school day. 


Personal toys brought from home, of any kind, are not allowed at school unless deemed as part of a class reward or project under the direction of the classroom teacher.


The school furnishes books to students with the hope that students/parents recognize the books as a major investment and will properly safeguard them.  Reasonable damage is expected as a result of daily use.  Fines will be charged for unreasonable damage or loss of textbooks.

Travel and Vacations (Educational Leave)

A student may be allowed up to a maximum of ten (10) days for travel/vacation, if prior arrangements have been made with the school for the student to make up his/her homework.  However, students will not qualify for receipt of any awards associated with attendance (i.e., one-hundred percent attendance award, etc.)

Cold Weather(Educational Leave)

When the temperature is below 21 degrees Fahrenheit (the windchill temp on or if precipitation is coming down that will soak the students – we will call a Red Day and students will be kept inside. Please encourage your students to dress appropriately for the weather and to come prepared for recess out in the cold. When kids have the right gear, they can have a fun along with a well needed quick break outside, even when it’s a little chilly out.

Students will also be kept inside if the air quality is above 90 on the particulate matter scale. See Utah’s Department of Environment Quality website for details of current conditions. You can also view this document for a visual description of the guidelines we follow.

Orange flags will be posted on the exterior of the building to indicate to students that they are to come inside the building before school starts or go directly into their portable. When the flags are posted, students are to come in through their grade level doors to walk to their classroom.

Visitors  JSD Policy DA 158 states:

“In accordance with federal and state statutes and local ordinances, school administrators are vested with authority to limit or control access to any school facility or activity…”

“The local school administrator retains the discretionary authority to restrict access of school visitors to only those portions of the school reasonably associated with the purpose of the visit.  Permitted access to a portion of the school does not grant access to all areas in the school.”

“Parents, guardians, relatives and acquaintances are invited and encouraged to enter schools to participate in specific activities, meetings, and appointments with teachers and administrators.  Parents and guardians do not have the right to attend school with their children or access school premises, including school buses, without specific authorization by school administration.  Such authorization may be withdrawn without prior notice and a parent or guardian’s continued presence after authorization has been withdrawn will be considered school trespass.”